Unethical Behaviour
Code of Conduct
We constantly strive to maintain sound governance practices, and continuously review how evolving legislation, guidelines, and best practices should be reflected in our approach at work. Our code of conduct is implemented across our business, ensuring our practices are consistent and of the highest standards. The code of conduct includes guidelines on

Protecting the
company’s assets

Accuracy of books,
records & public disclosures
Duties to stakeholders

and media

Conflicts of interest and
personal behaviour

Compliance with laws,
rules, regulations
and policies

A positive work
Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy (ABC)
At Summit Digitel, we are committed to having a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and value our reputation for conducting business with honesty and integrity. Our Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy provides guidelines on:

Our zero-tolerance
approach to bribery

Gifts and

Political donation
and lobbying