Sustainability Initiatives
At Summit Digitel, we believe that we are responsible for the spaces that we inhabit, whether environmental or social. Environmental sustainability is as pivotal for us as business sustainability, as both are interlinked and can't be achieved in isolation. Every effort that we undertake has ecological and cultural balance at its core. We aim to build the well-connected future that we envision on the foundation of our pillar of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) principle. Our ESG efforts help us to ensure that our business model is sustainable in the future.
We strive to minimize the environmental impact of our operations and improve the efficient use of resources through sustainability and renewable energy solutions. We support the global goal of achieving zero greenhouse gas (‘GHG’) emissions by 2050. We are in the process of formulating a plan to upscale the use of solar energy at our sites. This will not only improve energy efficiency, but also reduce GHG emissions. Our focus areas shall minimize GHG emissions falling under SCOPE 1 and SCOPE 2 segments.

The approach towards safety includes the Moreover, being a good corporate citizen is an integral part of maintaining the high-growth ecosystem, which is why we also support philanthropy and volunteerism among our employees. We operate with the highest standards of ethics and professionalism and strive to uphold strong governance practices.
As we step into newer thresholds of growth, Summit Digitel will continue reinventing means through which we can keep adding value to the lives of our employees, communities, the environment, and society at large.

Principles of ESG
As we pursue our goals, the following principles and associated practices ensure that we manage our investments with integrity,
balancing economic goals with good corporate citizenship.

Employee Well-Being
Meet or exceed all applicable labour laws and standards in jurisdictions in which we operate, including respecting human
rights, offering competitive wages and implementing nondiscriminatory fully inclusive hiring practices.

Governance, Ethics and Fairness
Operate with the highest ethical standards by conducting business activities in compliance with applicable legal and
regulatory requirements and with our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics.

Be accessible to our investors and stakeholders by being responsive to requests for
information and communicating in a timely manner.

Community Engagement
Engage with community groups to ensure their interests, safety and well-being are
appropriately integrated into our decision-making process.

Health and Safety
To have zero serious safety incidents within our businesses, by implementing consistent
health and safety principles across the organization.

Environmental Stewardship
Strive to minimize the environmental impact of our operations and improve our efficient
use of resources over time.